ganja girls - gotta love 'em!

The October issue of a popular magazine for women (and, now, for this man), marie claire, ran a feature story titled "Stiletto Stoners." I was delighted to read it, as it confirmed what I've known for some time: smart, successful women like to indulge in cannabis. And I was even more delighted to see where the story generated a favorable and honest discussion on the Today show. (You can watch the Today show discussion on Hulu, as on other video blogs.) I recommend everyone read the piece - it's available in the magazine, of course, but also on many of the drug policy blogs. The story certainly exposes the lie that all cannabis consumers are slackers, living in their mother's basement and playing video games. Not that there's anything wrong with that...

Virtually every drug policy reform leader is male, and I think it's wonderful - and more than a bit telling - that it took a group of women stoners to receive the best pot PR generated in a very long time. All together now, on the count of three: "You go girls!" I'm hoping to have Yael Kohen, the author of "Stiletto Stoners," on the show soon for an interview. Stay tuned!

Stay healthy and high when it helps