Den Heads

Opium Den Talk Show
The Opium Den is looking for a few good men and women. But we’re lazy, so we’ll take anyone. As an official Den Head, you will receive email updates on upcoming shows and special discounts on all the neat shit in The Opium Den store. We don’t have a store yet, but when we do there’ll be some neat shit in it. And when The Opium Den signs off every Thursday night, Daniel will take a quick smoke break before taking calls from any Den Head with a skype ID. The calls will be private, but no talking dirty, OK?

The best part about becoming a Den Head is that it’s free – but that’s probably gonna change. So join now, before reloading that bong. It’s easy - just click here. What little information we ask will not be shared with anyone, unless they’ve got a big fat bag of budsillius for bribes. Even then we’ll hold out as long as possible. So use a fake name if it’ll make you feel better, but real email addresses are a must.
